How to
Troubleshooting Email Activity
By effectively understanding email-related issues you can ensure that your flow designs deliver a consistent experience for recipients.
This article outlines all email activity events, possible email-channel specific failures, and other generic failures you may encounter.
Understanding email activity
Each email sent through Pendula generates activity that lets you track its progress from start to finish. These activities provide valuable insights into email behaviour, such as delivery confirmation, open events, or reasons for failure.
Email activity events
Action started: The email node has started. It contains information about the node, its configuration, and inputs.
Message queued: The email has been queued for handing to the gateway. Viewing this activity will show rich details, such as the HTML of the email, sender and recipient, and optionally attachment filenames.
Message passed to gateway: The email has been handed to the gateway for delivery.
Message delivered: The email has been confirmed as delivered to the recipient.
Message opened: The email has been opened by the recipient.
Message clicked: A link in the email has been clicked. Subsequent clicks are also recorded.
Message rejected: The email was rejected by the gateway. Possible reasons include incorrect tenant setup.
Message failed: The email failed to be delivered. This occurs when the gateway attempts delivery but encounters an error. Possible reasons include invalid email address, spam filtering, full mailbox, unsubscribed/blocked, attachment size exceeded, or a bounced email.
Message sent: The email has been sent from the gateway to the recipient.
Message validation failed: The email was rejected due to an invalid format, such as a missing or incorrectly formatted email address.
Action ended: The email node has ended with either a 'success' or 'failure' result.
Email channel-specific failure messages
Invalid email address: The email address format is incorrect or missing.
Invalid domain: The domain in the email address does not exist or is unreachable.
Invalid content: The email content does not comply with acceptable standards.
Recipient’s mailbox full: The recipient's mailbox is full and cannot accept new emails.
Recipient’s mailbox unavailable: The recipient's mailbox is temporarily unavailable.
Content too large for recipient: The combined size of the email and its attachments exceeds the recipient’s limit.
Email transaction failed: A failure occurred during the email transaction process.
Email was cancelled: The email sending process was cancelled before delivery.
Expired (end of retry period): The gateway stopped retrying to send the email after the retry period ended.
Unauthorized to send to recipient: The sender does not have permission to send an email to the recipient.
Unable to connect to email server: The email server could not be reached for delivery.
Email has been blocked: The email was blocked due to spam or other restrictions.
Expired, email not processed: The email expired before it could be processed or sent.
Bad email sender address: The sender's email address is invalid.
Email address does not exist: The specified email address does not exist.
Attachment(s) rejected: One or more attachments were rejected and could not be processed.
Recipient had unsubscribed: The recipient has unsubscribed and cannot receive emails.
Rejected: The email was rejected during processing.
Other and generic failures
In error: An unspecified error occurred during the email delivery process.
Could not render template: The email template could not be processed for rendering.
Could not render document: A document attached to the email could not be rendered.
Could not retrieve document: A document attachment could not be retrieved from its source.
Input data too large: The data provided for the email exceeds acceptable limits.
Bad carrier configuration: Issues with carrier configuration prevented email submission.
Could not submit to carrier: The email could not be sent to the carrier for delivery.
Missing recipient contact point: The recipient's contact point is missing.
No suitable carrier configured: No suitable carrier is configured to handle the message.
Could not collect statuses from carrier: The gateway could not collect delivery statuses from the carrier.
Fail to deliver: A generic failure indicating the email was not successfully delivered.
By understanding these activities and their associated failure types, you can efficiently troubleshoot issues and ensure optimal email delivery.
For additional guidance, you may find these related articles helpful:
To understand how these troubleshooting tips align with activity, see What is Activity.