How to
Using Salesforce Date Formats and Date Literals as criteria

Malcolm Jacobson
Malcolm Jacobson
  • Updated

Pendula supports the use of Salesforce Date Formats and Date Literals in the criteria fields of the following triggers and actions:

Some common examples

To Object Field Operator Value
Message all customers who have Contracts that have an End Date in the next 30 days Contract Contract End Date (EndDate) equal to NEXT_N_DAYS:30
Reach out to customers who have not interacted in the last 90 days Contact Last Activity (LastActivityDate) less than LAST_N_DAYS:90
Send a birthday message to any customer celebrating their birthday this week Contact Birthdate (Birthdate) equal to NEXT_N_DAYS:7
Send a birthday message on a customer's birthday Contact Birthdate (Birthdate) equal to TODAY
Send a survey to customers 48 hours after their Case has been closed Case Status (Status)
Closed Date(ClosedDate)
equal to

equal to

Get an Invoice that was created this month ContentDocument


less than THIS_MONTH