How to
Update Salesforce record

Georgia White
Georgia White
  • Updated

The Update record action allows you to update any record in Salesforce at any point in a flow. This action supports the majority of standard, special and custom objects associated with the connected Salesforce organisation.

Configuring the node

Select an object and a record ID to update. If the ID format is invalid or the record does not exist, the experience/s will fail.

Select the fields you would like to update. To add more fields, click the ‘add field’ button. To remove any field, click the 3-dots menu to the right of the row and click ‘delete’. You can update as many fields as you like with either static values or merge fields from previous nodes in the flow.

When an experience runs in Pendula, the flow will update only one record with the fields as configured in the node below. The update record node does not support an ‘upsert’ action.

If a value is left blank it will not be updated on the record, i.e. you cannot delete a value. 


Outcome paths

Success path: the experience will continue down this path if the record is successfully updated.

Failed: the experience receives an unexpected failure from Salesforce. If this outcome path is switched OFF, the experience will end and be marked as ‘failed’ in History. If this path is switched ON the experience will continue down that path to the next configured node.

The most likely reason for an experience failing to update the record is that a required field needs to be included or the format of the field value needs to be corrected. See below for the correct Salesforce formats to use when configuring the node.

Current known limitations & workarounds

Pendula is regularly releasing updates and fixes for limitations where possible and appropriate. We will continue to update the list below as more capability becomes available.

Limitation Workaround (if applicable)
Field validation: the update node currently does not support visualising system values associated with any fields (for example, picklist values). This means you must enter exactly the correct values when entering the desired update value otherwise the experience will fail.

The format of the fields used in configuring criteria will need to adhere to the SFDC API formats:

Field types in Salesforce →

Date-specific fields in Salesforce →

Attachments, files and rich media: We do not support adding attachments or images/videos to a record at this time.  
Polymorphic fields: Polymorphic fields, e.g. Owner (User, Group), are not currently supported and won't be available as a field from Salesforce.