What is Activity?
Activity is anything that occurs within an experience after a flow is activated.
Activity may also be referred to as 'events' (for instance, a message has been opened, a link has been clicked etc).
Why is activity important?
Viewing activity helps you understand the lifecycle of experiences and the interactions that have taken place within them. These activities can range from high-level experience events (e.g., An experience has started, an experience has ended etc) to more granular node-specific events (e.g., A message has been queued, a message has bounced, an action has started etc). You can learn more about specific activities here.
For real-time consumption of this data in external platforms, consider using Activity Sync, which allows you to subscribe to and monitor events externally. You can learn more about Activity Sync here.
What kind of data is stored in Activity?
Activity data may include personally identifiable information (PII). For example, when a message is sent, the activity data will include details like the message body (with merge fields replaced with real data) and the recipient's phone number.
This level of detail is essential for troubleshooting and ensuring that flow interactions are properly handled.